How much are tickets?
Tickets are currently not on sale.
What are the hours & location?
The fair is currently not open, but we hope to see you soon!
Venue 1625 / Carrollton Fairgrounds
How much is parking?
Parking is available on-site for FREE.
Who are our non-profit partners?
Carrollton Fair integrates rides, food, and fun, while also providing a positive, lasting impact on the greater Carroll County community. In support of that mission, a portion of the proceeds from the event benefits Keep Carrollton Beautiful, Carroll County Humane Society, and Carroll County Mental Health Advocates.
How do I get updates on the Carrollton Fair?
When are fireworks?
We have firework displays Saturday evenings when the fair is open.
Who do I contact about being a vendor?
Thanks for your interest in becoming a vendor or exhibitor at one of our events! Please click the link below and fill out the application. We will be in touch!